Company Policies
- It is the company’s policy that all people enjoy the human rights recognized in our constitution and in the international treaties to which the Mexican state is a party, as well as the guarantees for their protection.
- It is the policy of this company to work voluntarily in a comprehensive sustainable development system; where current applicable national legislation, international ILO and Human Rights standards are complied with, as well as the requirements that the company undertakes to meet with its interest group: workers, clients, our communities and suppliers.
- It is the company’s policy to continuously improve the performance of social, environmental, occupational health and safety, and food safety and safety management in our operations.
- It is the company’s policy to provide all the resources necessary for compliance, and it will be the responsibility of all employees to execute it.
Social Responsability Policies
- Inform all personnel who enter the company that they have the right and obligation to learn about and comply with the policies and procedures of this company (Internal Labor Regulations, Collective Contract, Code of Ethics and Regulations of each department), They will keep copies available in public places for your consultation.
- Reject child labor and respect the rights of minors.
- Prevent any form of discrimination based on race, color, gender, sexual orientation, age, pregnancy, disability, religion, political opinion, social or national origin and/or any situation that violates human dignity in hiring, remuneration, dismissal and/or anything that violates the employment relationship and human rights.
- Avoid forms of forced, compulsory labor and human trafficking.
- Participate in equal opportunities and fair treatment for all.
- Repress sexual and labor harassment, harassment and/or abuse in any of its expressions.
- Respect the freedom and will of the worker when they wish to join the collective organization of their choice or when they decide to elect their representatives, without any discrimination against them.
- The normal working day per week will be 48 hours. Distributed over 6 days of work equivalent to 8 hours a day. Work will be free and voluntary on holidays, rest days and overtime.
- Remunerate work according to the general minimum wage established by the competent labor authority.
- Comply with the application of the internal work regulations.
- Conduct actions honestly and without the use of corrupt practices or acts of bribery.
- Address all complaints and suggestions from all our interested parties: workers, clients, our communities and suppliers.
Occupation Health and Safety Policies
- To promote a safe and healthy work environment for the workers of the company.
- Identify and continuously evaluate hazards and risks related to Health and Safety at work.
- Provide appropriate personal protective equipment to workers of the company that require it, as stipulated by the Occupational Health and Safety Department.
- Evaluate, prevent and reduce risks, diseases, accidents and incidents.
- Integrate, train and keep updated brigades of the Internal Civil Protection Unit.
- Document and report on accidents, illnesses and incidents occurring in the company, so that preventive and corrective actions are taken.
Policies for the Care and Preservation of the Environment
- Promote the care and preservation of the environment in all our production fields and areas of the company.
- Protect natural resources and reduce the environmental impacts of the company by implementing ecological practices, applying criteria based on sustainability, so that we save energy, water and responsible use of natural resources.
- Identify and control as much as possible the negative impacts on natural resources (air, water and soil) generated by the development of our activities.
- 100% compliance with the laws and environmental regulations and standards and other requirement applicable to our operation.
- Implement actions to treat and reuse our waste of water.
- Act responsibly in the management of waste.
- Reduce, as far as possible, the use of chemicals in our operational activities.
- Promote reforestation campaigns and increase our green areas.
- Conduct environmental performance towards continuous improvement through the implementation of an environmental management system and the participation of all staff working with us.
Quality Policies
- Comply with the characteristics of the national and international quality guidelines that must maintain our food to compete with the highest quality standards.
- Verify the degree of quality, determining the classification of the product through the performance of the sampling in accordance with the established quality standards.
- Continued dissemination of our commitment to all staff to raise awareness of the responsibility to produce food of the highest quality.
Safety Policies
- Provide products that meet the safety expectations of standards, specifications and requirements of our customers.
- Involve the entire staff of the company in the responsibility of producing foods that guarantee full customer satisfaction.
- Inform and be informed as to the rules applicable to our business, thus operating within the framework established by law.
- Always look for our systems of assurance and control to be efficient