Uncompromising Safety You Can Trust
Certified to the highest food safety, manufacturing, agriculture and security standards.

An expert team led by the company’s top management and food safety specialists monitor every step in the production process:

  • Secure facilities and procedures prevent unauthorized access
  • Sanitation monitoring, including pesticide, microbial and pathogenic bacteria testing
  • Air quality evaluations for yeasts, molds and total aerobic bacteria
  • Disinfection stations and rules for access at the entrance to every facility
  • Ongoing safety and quality training programs, including GAPs (good agriculture practices) and GMPs (good manufacturing practices)
  • A traceability system that includes a sticker and code that identifies its country of origin, farm, date/time of harvest and worker name

All Kaliroy Fresh production centers and products are certified by the Mexican government’s quality assurance program guaranteeing that we meet agriculture’s highest safety and quality standards. Due to our strict rules of operation and careful attention to food safety, we have also earned top tier certifications from Global G.A.P., Senasica and PrimusLabs.